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Coppermill Lane trials go live

Thank you to everyone who attended our co-design workshops at Willowfield School last week. We received some really useful and insightful feedback on our designs which we will now be considering as we finalise our proposals ahead of this summer's public consultation.

As some of you may have seen for the last few days we have been installing traffic "wands" along a stretch of Coppermill Lane. These are part of the first of two trials for potential improvements through the Coppermill Liveable Neighbourhood scheme which aim to prioritise sustainable modes of transport and reduce motor vehicle dominance.

This first trial went live today, and if you've travelled along the section that is subject to the trial you will have seen we've installed our Community Comment boards again where road users are invited to give their feedback on the trial. We will also be conducting surveys with road users throughout the month, and carrying out our own monitoring of traffic and pedestrian behaviour during this time.

This first trial is a version of a "Cycle Street" which separates the two lanes of traffic with a physical barrier, during this temporary trial this has been created with traffic "wands". This allows cyclists to adopt a central position in the road and prevents motor vehicles from overtaking, unless within a designated passing space.

This trial will be in place for two weeks, then it will be dismantled and a second trial installed by 20 May, for a further two weeks.

The second trial will see the road narrowed, providing additional space for pedestrians. This will be created through temporary kerbs and the use of the traffic wands. Passing spaces will again be provided in the design.

The outcome of these trials will also inform the final proposals which will be put before residents during this summer's public consultation.

Posted on 29th April 2019

by Kim Inam